Of course it’s too early to make picks when you’re still at 20 contestants. That’s the fun. And GG and I will surely take to the airwaves again and handicap the actual American Idol top 12 when they’re announced.

For now, here is who I’m going with (remember that I had Joe Munoz in there at the beginning of the season)

  1. John Park
  2. Lee Dewyze
  3. Lilly Scott
  4. Crystal Bowersox
  5. Siobhan Magnus
  6. Andrew Garcia
  7. Katie Stevens
  8. Katelyn Epperly
  9. Casey James
  10. Jermaine Sellers
  11. Haley Vaughn
  12. Alex Lambert beats Todrick Hall for the last slot

Add your top 12 picks as a response here.  I buy the person who gets the most correct a $25 Amazon gift certificate.  If it’s a tie, we pick a name from the people who tied with the most correct.  Contest ends March 2, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. eastern time.