Breaking away…
Maybe for the last time in a long while, Bill and I are going to be breaking away for another military hop…
Call it Bill’s last hurrah on active duty. We’re taking advantage of his last six weeks in the Army and going on a trip. Where to, we’re not sure yet. I had my eye on England or Ireland. I was hoping we could get a flight to Mildenhall Air Force […]
Leaky roof…
Thanks to a storm last night, we have a leaky roof… It’s like a metaphor for life!
It’s no secret that I’m not very fond of the house we’ve been renting here in Texas. We kind of got stuck here because we moved from North Carolina and didn’t have much time to find suitable digs. Our first choice house fell through and this one was next on the list. In retrospect, we […]
Ben Taylor’s salivary duct stones…
When I heard about Ben Taylor’s salivary stones, I was reminded that we’re all humans…
For those who will read this and happened to see the blog post I wrote yesterday about Ben Taylor’s salivary stones, excuse me. For the rest of you, I just have to share this totally funny yet horrifying video I found featuring Ben Taylor. Ben Taylor is the son of James Taylor and Carly Simon. He has a […]