New Pop Rock Nation blogger, Jenny, throws her sombrero in the ring!

JennyMy name is Jenny and I’m the newest  member of Pop Rock Nation’s esteemed blogging family.  I’m an Army wife with very eclectic musical tastes and a passion for reading, writing, traveling, and hanging out with my husband and beagles.  I was asked to contribute to Pop Rock Nation because I play a mean game of SongPop on Facebook and I have a long history of reviewing albums that cover a huge gamut of genres and artists.  I am a true music nerd and I own that distinction with pride!

I love all kinds of music, both to listen to and perform.  Though I was an English major in college, I’ve also studied voice on and off for years.  Nowadays, my public performances are mostly confined to karaoke night or the piano bar, but there was a time when you might hear me sing an aria, a broadway tune, or an art song!  Like I said, I love music… all kinds!  I also have a very quirky and obscene sense of humor.  A lot of people think I’m inappropriate and weird, but some folks just think I’m kinda funny!

I have a lot of great ideas for Pop Rock Nation.  While I do plan to write about music by popular artists, I also want to highlight lesser known artists and I even already have a few ready and waiting to be interviewed!  I will contribute music reviews, but it’s more likely that I’ll ruminate about quirky stuff including songs you’ve long forgotten about, fun musical apps for my iPhone, and any artists who catch my ear in some way.  When my Internet is working properly, which is less of the time these days, I love watching YouTube.  I have found several fun and upcoming musicians just by watching videos on the Internet.  I have plans to interview at least one of my YouTube discoveries in the very near feature, so stay tuned!

Above all, I’m very excited to be part of the Pop Rock Nation team!  I look forward to spreading my brand of irreverence and musical nonsense to the Pop Rock Nation site!  See you around!