The Real Kon Man: Akon Gets Busted!
I first knew something was up when Akon said something in an interview about being a non-English speaking immigrant as a young man and then birth records popped up stating that the singer was actually born in the U.S.
So I’m not surprised at all about the reports that, thanks to The Smoking Gun website, place Akon as one big-ass phony.
Not that he’s the only celebrity to lie about his or her backstory, but Akon’s tales […]
Vital Idol: Mariah Carey Says Bye Bye To …
Before I start this write-up, I wanted to mention that Music Help Web has a Twitter page. You can read us on Twitter where we update quick news items that aren’t necessarily something we’d blog about, but still are important. Now, onto the show.
Last night’s show was Mariah Carey Night. All of the remaining contestants performed Mimi’s songs and overall, I was very surprised at how well they did. I figured we were in for […]
New Releases 4/15/08: The Emancipation of Mimi’s New Album
Yep, it’s April 15th. Hope your taxes are done! With freshly received refunds in hand (hopefully), let’s mosey on down to the record store, shall we? Here’s what’s new this week.
Mariah Carey-E=MC2: The most highly anticipated release of the year thus far has finally arrived, and I’m sure Mariah is having a good laugh thinking about the fact that five years ago, her career was considered dead. At any rate, her 10th studio album features […]