Oh, Roland Orzabal. Not only do you have one of my favorite rock star names, but you have quite the expressive voice. It certainly brought a sense of drama to “Head Over Heels”, the ballad that served as the third Top Ten single from Tears for Fears’ breakthrough album “Songs from the Big Chair” as well as serving as a downtempo change of pace from the pair of upbeat #1s that the band had scored previously. Being 9 when this album was released, I didn’t know about all the psychological mumbo-jumbo behind the album’s title and songs like “Shout”. All I knew was that this song sounded like someone falling in love helplessly. And lo and behold, that’s pretty much what the song is about. Figures that my favorite TFF song would be the one with the simplest meaning.

I saw Orzabal and his partner Curt Smith perform this acoustically about four years ago at a radio station concert and they still have it. Kudos to Roland for being able to hit those high notes twenty years later, and kudos to both members for writing a song that retains its’ yearning quality whether performed with just two guitars or a wall of synthesizers.
The video’s set in a library! What 9-year old can’t relate to libraries?!?