So the big music news in the blogosphere right now is NOT the Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame inductions (I don’t know who The Ventures are, either), but the new Janet Jackson single, “Feedback”, which premiered today.
As everyone with a pulse knows, Janet’s career has been on a bit of a downslide since the whole tittie at the Super Bowl incident. Her last album, “20 Y.O.”, only sold about 800,000 copies. Not bad for most artists, but not good for someone who used to sell 5 million copies of an album at a clip. An unofficial blacklist by MTV has not helped, not to mention the fact that her last couple of albums have decreased sharply in quality. To be true, she hasn’t released a better than average album since 1997’s “The Velvet Rope”.
At any rate, “Feedback” has a very Timbo/Justin sound to it (ironic much?) with a hint of Britney. Lyrically, it’s Janet talking about sex, which is only novel to someone who stopped listening after “Rhythm Nation”. Not that it’s a bad song per se, but she can do much better. Her new album comes out 2/26. Let’s hope the material within is better than this…