Kanye West

I was in Las Vegas over the weekend and right when I touched down, my twitter feed was a buzz (a tweet?) with blasts that Kanye West’s new song Power was fire. The comments were all similar and talked about how Kanye was back.

My first thought was that I liked his segue into heartbreak pop, 808s & Heartbreak. While I thought the album was a bit inconsistent, it was also courageous, honest, and real. The dude’s heart was broken and he was expressing himself.

I do look forward to the Kanye we saw on his first three near classic albums. But I also hope that he continues to be creative and different.

My main man Big Money Mike hipped me to the song earlier today and I do have to say that it’s pure Kanye and tells me that Good Ass Job is going to be everything we expect and more.

The background chants in the early mixes I heard overwhelmed his voice, but this new mixed version evens it out.

Check out NahRight for the latest version of the song which hits iTunes next week.

Photo of Kanye West shared via Wikipedia via the GNU Free Documentation License