The Top 100 Songs of the ’00s, #96: “The Eraser”
Back in ’93, who’d have thought that the guy who made “Creep” would turn out to be one of the most forward-thinking artists of the next decade and a half?
Anyway, for my money, “The Eraser” brought Yorke back to accessibility after the art-rock freakout qualities of Radiohead’s “Amnesiac” and “Hail to the Thief”. Not to say it was necessarily pop friendly (nothing that comes out of the Radiohead camp is), but “Eraser” was certainly easier […]
Chart Chat 5/27/09: Eminem, The Real American Idol?
In the biggest chart no-brainer of the year, Eminem debuts at #1 with “Relapse”, which scans 608,000 units in it’s first week. It’s by far the biggest debut week of the year, although it’s the slowest start for an Eminem studio album since “The Slim Shady LP” debuted in spring 1999. Granted, the music industry was in a much different place then. To put things into perspective, if the year was to end today, “Relapse” […]
First Look: Kanye West “Paranoid”
For “808s & Heartbreak”‘s third video, Kanye West has enlisted the help of labelmate Rihanna. The singer has made a few public appearances since her alleged beating at the hands of boyfriend Chris Brown (whose recent video blog touting his new album I won’t dignify with more than a sentence here), but this is the first connection to a musical event she’s had since the Brown incident. I can’t say that the video makes a […]