Has Journey Hornswoggled Me?
So, I switched on the TV around noon today and flipped over to VH-1 Classic with the expectation that I’d catch some cheesy 80s video goodness. As it turned out, they were broadcasting a concert by some band that sounded familiar, but I couldn’t place visually.Then the vocals kicked in and I realized I was watching a Journey concert.
Only the lead singer wasn’t Steve Perry. Although he certainly sounded like Steve Perry. I realize Perry’s […]
Chart Chat 7/13/08: The Midyear Analysis (Oooohhh…)
It’s a mellow Sunday morning. The sun is shining, I’ve got the next week off from my day job, and the relaxing, dulcet tones of Courtney Love are coming from my stereo. Nothing like a little Hole to smooth out the 7th day, eh?
All that because I don’t really have an intro for this week’s Chart Chat. Here are the charts, as usual provided by the lovely ladies and gentlemen of Billboard Magazine.
You know what? […]