R.I.P. Levi Stubbs
Bluegrass Legend: “Vote Obama… What’s an iPod?”
I admit, it’s been hard for me to write about music the last few weeks because I’ve turned into a total campaign coverage zombie. So my apologies for dipping into the political on a music blog, but I feel compelled to share a moment from an article by Matt Bai from the forthcoming issue of the New York Times Magazine, in which he describes a rally in rural southwestern Virginia in which bluegrass great Ralph […]
Britney Spears’ Womanizer Video: I Got Your Crazy!!
Hard to imagine that just nine months ago, there was a Britney death watch. Now fully recovered, having regained her sanity and looking closer to her original, kinda cute self than she has since she first got knocked up, Britney’s back with a new single and video called “Womanizer”.
Don’t really have much to say about the video or the song. The song is catchy enough (although is it me or does it sound a lot […]