The New Music Files 1/13/09: No-No-Notorious!!
Hey, we took a break for a coupla weeks and now we’re back. The music industry is slowly shaking out of it’s slumber, and while there aren’t any superstar releases for a couple weeks still, there is some interesting niche-y kinda stuff getting released. We’re gonna roll with a new format this year and see if it sticks.
The big deal this week is the release of the Notorious B.I.G. biopic Notorious on Friday, and a […]
The Sunday Seven 1/11/09: Just Can’t Get Enough
Hey, folks…after having guests for a few weeks, I’m back in control of the Sunday Seven and it feels good! So without any further ado, here’s a random trip through my iPod, where I pull seven musical selections and talk about them.
Track 1: Just Can’t Get Enough by Depeche Mode (1981)
This was Depeche Mode’s first “hit”, I guess. Well, considering it didn’t do much in the States when it was released, let’s just say that […]