Lessons To Be Learned:Why We’re Sweet On Gabriella Cilmi
When a good friend of mine came back from a trip to the UK in addition to hearing him tell stories of the places he visited, since we’re kind of music nerds, most of of what I yearned to hear about was the music he encountered across the pond.  He immediately let me know about this song he couldn’t escape when he was on vacation. “This chick is very YOU” he told me.  I guess the constant exposure to the song left him with some gaps in his memory as all he could tell me at the time was the name of the song, “Sweet About Me”. I quickly scribbled it down on a piece of paper and slipped it in my pocket–excited to get home and solve this musical mystery.
About a day later I found that piece of paper on my desk and went to the first place I figured would get me instant restults–YouTube. Seconds later I find Gabriella Cilmi making her way around the room checking in on some ex-loves caught in a cargo net, tied to a chair, dangling upside from the ceiling, and taped to the floor (among other places and punishments). She slinks around the room reminding singing the chorus, “Sweet about me, nothing’s sweet about me…”