Ask an R&B Geek Vol. 1: Prince & More…
If you have questions for Robert, our resident R&B geek, please leave them in the comment section here and they will be answered!!
1) What’s the best Prince album and why?
At his best, Prince is big, messy, Whitmanesque in his ambitions and attempts to encompass the entire vocabulary of black music into 3-4 minute increments. His best albums aren’t mystifyingly perfect like Stevie Wonder’s string of classics; nor do they have the sweet, organic, arresting playability […]
MAC & KATIE KISSOON “Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep” b/w “Walking Around” (ABC Records #11306, Fall 1971)
Pop smashes don’t just write themselves. It takes actual people with actual brains to conceive of the melodies (with or without lyrical combinations) that will become the soundtrack to our difficult lives, brightening up otherwise cloudy days. And it can take teams of people, and lots of time and effort, to get that potential hit into the right hands, often after […]
Infatueighties: The Royal Court
There’s not much of note new in stores this week, so I’ve decided to suspend the “New Release of the Week” column until next week, when (hopefully) there’ll be some good stuff to write about. Meanwhile, what say we jump into the wayback machine and soak up some great 80s music, huh? Last time we did some time traveling, we visited the auxiliary Jackson family members and checked out their jams. Today, we move north […]