Photo of Paula via her Twitter page
Before I get to anything, I have to get to the biggest news first. Paula Abdul was back on American Idol y’all!
Last night, Candice performed Paula’s Straight Up. Ryno asked Randy if he’d talked to Paula to get her thoughts and Randy said he couldn’t get a hold of her. And then, Paula walked up behind Ryno and Candice. Paula was her usual nervously spoken self, but it didn’t matter. Paula was back!
Ryno even let her sit with the judges, which gave us a Nicki Minaj g-string sighting when she bowed to Paula.
Who rocked the stage?
I love that Thursdays have become alumni night. First, Clay Aiken came back to sing Bridge Over Troubled Water.
And before Fantasia came on to sing Lose To Win, we got to catch up with Latoya London who is trying to get her singing career going.
Of course, Fantasia rocked it. To me, she’s still the single best performer in the history of American Idol.
I’m not quite sure why Fantasia’s performance isn’t on the American Idol YouTube channel, but here’s the video to the song she performed.
Who were in the bottom two?
Ryno had to do this quickly as they were low on time.
He sent Candice, Angie, and Amber to freedom which left Janelle and Kree (Summer) in the bottom two.
Interestingly, I mentioned that I thought Kree was on cruise control Wednesday night.
I also hedged on my prediction here last week that Janelle might be in trouble by saying that I thought Amber would leave because the fans simply don’t dig her style. Well, they did this week.
If they didn’t, Nicki would’ve told them, “Simmer down, sir.”

Who went home?
It was time for Janelle. It wasn’t time for Kree (Summer). The elephant in the room was if the judges would use the save on Janelle so that we could have final five diva showdown part two. I don’t believe they can use it past this week. But it wasn’t meant to be. They think this should be the final four.
Janelle goes home sweet home. She was just a notch below the other four women.
Next week’s themes are one-hit wonders (which is a fan pick) and contestant’s choice. I don’t think they’ll be able to top this week, but it still should be excellent.