My love of Eurovision is pretty well documented, but I rarely include Eurovision songs in my year-end lists because, with the rare exception (ABBA’s “Waterloo”, Gina G’s “Ooh Ahh… Just a Little Bit”), they’re easy to forget by the end of the year. This song is not like those two. It didn’t win; it didn’t even place well (it came in 21st); and it didn’t become any kind of hit, outside of Calleja’s tiny home country (and, of course, my car stereo). However, it has been stuck in my head for roughly 10 months straight now, and every time I watch this performance, I light up with the kind of pure joy one usually only gets from watching kitten videos.
My love of Eurovision is pretty well documented, but I rarely include Eurovision songs in my year-end lists because, with the rare exception (ABBA’s “Waterloo”, Gina G’s “Ooh Ahh… Just a Little Bit”), they’re easy to forget by the end of the year. This song is not like those two. It didn’t win; it didn’t even place well (it came in 21st); and it didn’t become any kind of hit, outside of Calleja’s tiny home country (and, of course, my car stereo). However, it has been stuck in my head for roughly 10 months straight now, and every time I watch this performance, I light up with the kind of pure joy one usually only gets from watching kitten videos.