Those Hash Browns Just Make A Man Wanna Fight!!!
Come on, Kid Rock. Or Bob Ritchie. Whatever you call yourself.
You’re pushing 40. You’re a multi-millionaire.
Why has the past month of your album set up (which probably would be doing just as fine without all the extraneous hullaballoo) seemed like a desperate attempt to live up to the “outlaw” status of your idols?
First there was the altercation with Tommy Lee at the VMAs, and now you’re getting into altercations at Waffle Houses?
Come on, dude. You […]
The Possible Effects Of Too Much Humpin’ Around
Not to be mean-spirited or anything, but…
Should we be freaked out that Bobby Brown allegdely had a heart attack earlier this week (at 38 years of age), or should we be surprised that it took this long to happen? (Of course, now Bobby is in the press refuting his attorney’s announcement that he had a heart attack…Lord help us all) This is in addition to the long-standing rumors that he quietly suffered a stroke a […]
But Isn’t John Bonham Dead??
OK, folks, seriously.
I love Led Zeppelin-really, I do.
But what’s the big hubbub over this reunion concert? (For those who don’t know, the three surviving members of Zep are performing in the U.K. at a tribute concert for the late Atlantic Records honcho Ahmet Ertegun).
First off-it’s not like they haven’t had reunions before. Remember Live Aid? (where Phil Collins subbed on the drum kit for the dearly departed John Bonham…best rock drummer of all time IMHO). […]